Introducing the Sergio Camarillo Award

Sergio Camarillo was an exceptional person, not only at JCFS but with everyone he met throughout his life. Thus, it was with much sadness to everyone who knew him when he passed away from Covid-19 last year. The Sergio Camarillo Impact Award was created to honor his memory and legacy.  

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Donor Profile: Terri Freeman

Terri Freeman is a Chicago native, longstanding Jewish community leader, volunteer, and philanthropist, as well as a member of JCFS Chicago’s Response Advisory Council (RAC) for Response for Teens. 

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Shalom Bayit – How to have a peaceful home when technology is ever-present

We are inextricably linked to our devices. We learn with them, socialize with them, communicate with them, play games through them, and use them to stay up-to-date on the world. At JCFS Response for Teens we help parents recognize that growing up is still growing up. Young people still pay attention to shopping, music, their friends, movies, and schoolwork – even as much of this may happen in digital spaces.

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Physical Therapy Creates Lifelong Healthy Habits

Many children with developmental delays and disabilities have trouble with coordination, strength, and muscle tone. JCFS Chicago’s physical therapist helps develop basic motor skills like rolling, sitting, walking, and running. But we don't stop at the basics. We want to be sure that all children can fully participate in their community at their highest potential.

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Finding Support in the Passover Haggadah

JCFS supports Chicago’s Jewish community members on many paths from constriction to expansion. In this spirit, we offer links to haggadot and Passover readings that reflect both ancient and contemporary ways that we experience bondage, the struggle for freedom, and ultimate liberation from slavery.

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Donor Profile: Elizabeth Walder

Elizabeth Walder is the President and Executive Director of Walder Foundation, a private family foundation with a mission to uplift local communities and elevate Chicago’s contributions to the world. Elizabeth believes immigrants and refugees enrich the value of our society and works hard to give them the opportunities and resources they need to flourish. “We’re all descended from somewhere,” Elizabeth says, “and I believe this country should be a refuge and a welcoming country for all.” 

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Crisis In Ukraine

JCFS Chicago is devastated by the events unfolding in Ukraine. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, and with those in our community who are working resolutely to get family and friends to safety.

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Getting Back to Normal

When Maria and her family contracted Covid-19, her husband Diego had the severest symptoms and spent four days in the hospital. Maria struggled to find help, but with the help of a JCFS Financial Assistant, Maria applied for disability support because of her heart condition.

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