We believe in the importance of work.

Our JVS programs positively impact the lives of more than 5,000 people annually. We offer assistance to those facing unemployment, underemployment, or a career change.
Our Services include:
Career Exploration
Career Counseling
Job Search Workshops
Accountability Groups
Job Retention Assistance

people supported with their employment in the last 5 years (56% have a disability, when known)


businesses surveyed either Likely or Extremely Likely to use JCFS with future hiring


businesses assisted to build diversity in their workforce and improve their bottom line


hours of employment support services provided at low or no cost to clients since 2016

Resources For Job Seekers

Resources For Businesses

to help

We're Here

to Help.

For assistance or more information, call us at 855.275.5237 or email us at Ask@JCFS.org.