We believe students can reach their full potential when given the opportunity to journey towards a path of self-discovery. Driven by nurturing relationships and strengths-based supports, the Knapp School provides a holistic educational experience to K-12+ learners with diverse social/emotional and academic needs.
We serve students who are classified in the following special education categories: Emotional Disability (ED), Specific Learning Disability (SLD), Intellectual Disability, Autism includes autism spectrum disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Other Health Impairment (OHI).
We work with Chicago Public Schools and with school districts from the North Shore, Lake County and the Western Suburbs to receive referrals of students who need an alternative to traditional public schools. Students are educated at Knapp School & Yeshiva at no cost to their families.
We are passionate in our service to your child. As you get to know our school, we welcome your questions, visits and enrollment of your child.
Each school day, we welcome a diverse group of students and each child is supported in ways that address his or her specific needs. Our teachers, social workers and specialists collaborate with parents and guardians to better understand our students and develop practices that allow the student to achieve success.
Academically, our curriculum is dynamic and competitive. Therapeutically, our program offers students specialty support, unique resources, opportunities to reintegrate to their home schools, and transitional and vocational support. Culturally, our school offers students opportunities to explore their interests through clubs and extracurricular activities.

We're Here
to Help.
For assistance or more information, call us at 855.275.5237 or email us at Ask@JCFS.org.