Our structured groups help build community and friendship
Our social groups help children practice and grow the skills they need to participate with more confidence in school, family, and community group settings.
Ready, Set, Grow
This fun, play-based group is designed for 2 to 3 year-old children who need support to develop language, play, and social skills such as waiting, turn-taking, following directions, and transitions. Using common objects and family routines, this weekly group provides opportunities to follow a schedule, as well as learn and practice skills needed for preschool activities, like circle time, snack, and art. Monthly themes are used to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills. Early Intervention enrollment is not required for children to participate. This is a rolling enrollment group. Please contact Megan Kowalski for group registration and fee information.
Social Superheroes (6-8 years old but adaptable based on age interest)
Looking for a fun way to learn social awareness, communication skills, and self-regulation? The Social Superhero Training Academy is open! In this speech-language pathologist-lead group, children will use Social Thinking Curriculum to learn to be flexible-thinking superheroes. They will learn to defeat cartoon characters who embody different social challenges such as Rock Brain, who makes people get stuck on their own ideas, Body Snatcher, who moves people’s bodies away from the group, and Topic Twistermeister, who makes people jump off topic. Practice these new social superhero powers by reading stories, playing games, making crafts, and more! This is an 8-week group. Please contact Megan Kowalski for group registration and fee information.
Calling All Actors! (7-10 years old but adaptable based on age interest)
Join our Speech-Language Pathologist for a creative, hands-on theater experience. Table readings, script writing, stage cuing, and set design will be incorporated into this 8-week camp. Thespians will be work on fluent oral reading, articulation, story analysis, social cues, and writing. At the end, our all camp-inspired, written, and produced play will be shared with families. Please contact Megan Kowalski for group registration and fee information.
Hands on Handwriting (various ages)
Fun, engaging activities are used to target each child's fine motor, bilateral coordination, visual-motor and handwriting skills. Please contact Megan Kowalski for group registration and fee information.
Sibshop (6-12 years old. Teens also welcome.)
Virtual Sibshops offer brothers and sisters of children with a variety of special needs a place to meet other siblings in a relaxed, supportive, and recreational setting. They discuss their common joys and concerns, learn to handle sibling-specific “sticky situations” and have fun! Please contact Tammy Besser for more information.
Virtual Parent Support Groups
Integrated Pediatric Therapies hosts a variety of parent support groups to help families in the community connect with one another, offering a safe space to share life’s challenges and triumphs. Contact Integrated Pediatric Therapies for current offerings.

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to Help.
For assistance or more information, call us at 855.275.5237 or email us at Ask@JCFS.org.