Ready Set Grow

  • Thursday, February 13, 2025
  • 9:15-10:30am

  • Abe and Ida Cooper Center
    6639 N. Kedzie Ave.
    Chicago, IL 60645

Join us for our 2 - to 3 - year-old play group, designed to develop communication, language, and social skills. Waiting, turn-taking, following directions, and transitions are incorporated into preschool activities, like circle time, art, and pretend play. Our Speech-Language Pathologist will incorporate monthly themes to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills.

This event runs on Thursdays from 9:15-10:30am, beginning December 5 until June 26, 2025. Please contact Megan Kowalski for fee info.

*Early Intervention enrollment is not required for children to participate.

JCFS Chicago is a partner with the Jewish United Fund in serving our community.
We embrace diversity. Our commitment to inclusivity is woven throughout our services, programs and welcoming workplace.
We strive to make all of our programs and events accessible. Please call 855.275.5237 to arrange for assistive services.