A Passover Reflection

“Next year, may we be free.”  - Passover Haggadah

The holiday of Passover, “the season of our liberation,” celebrates the departure of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. This is a central theme of the Passover Seder, a festive meal replete with symbolism and song.

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The JCFS Associates Board: Engaging the Next Generation

Through advocacy, leadership development, fundraising, volunteerism, and service projects, the JCFS Associates Board  - a dedicated and enthusiastic group of young professionals who are passionate about promoting the work of JCFS Chicago - hopes to act as ambassadors, encouraging younger generations to become more involved with JCFS. “We believe in the importance of social service and giving back to the community. We are proud to become ambassadors for the next generation of JCFS leaders and are excited to share everything we have in store,” says co-chair Karly Worth.

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TDS Transition Program

JCFS TDS Transition Student Ania recently celebrated a very special milestone!  She voted for the very first time, receiving a round of applause from the workers at the polling place. Ania, like many of our students in the Transition Program, has been focused on increasing independence and life skills within school and the community at large. This program helps develop these skills so that upon graduation from school, she is more prepared to enter the workforce. 

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Coping With Sudden Loss

Not a day goes by when we are not inundated with stories of shootings, accidents, senseless acts of violence or natural disasters. When these events happen, we might feel shock or sadness, yet we strive to protect ourselves by keeping the tragedies at arm’s length. But how do we handle an unexpected or sudden loss in our own lives? 

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JCFS TDS Vocational Program Partners with Mini Man Monkey Brain Candy Shop

For the past 5 years, JCFS TDS’ vocational program has had the pleasure of partnering with a local candy store, Mini Man Monkey Brains.  Founded by Gloria and Jim Iverson, Mini Man Monkey Brains is a place close to their hearts.  The candy shop provides a place for young adults on the Autism spectrum (and who have varying abilities) a place to practice and implement work expectations. 

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